
Guzmania drewii L.B.Sm.  diagnose  protologue
; 0 known only from fragments, probably about 1 m high. leaves 5–6 dm long, green, obscurely punctulate-lepidote; sheath elliptic, 15–20 cm long; blade ligulate, broadly acute and apiculate, 4–7 cm wide. inflorescence: peduncle known only by its apex, 8 mm in diameter, glabrous, red; peduncle bracts erect and densely imbricate, elliptic, apiculate; fertile part once-branched, lax except near the apex, 18–48 cm long; axis flexuous; primary bracts ovate, acute, subchartaceous, red, minutely pale-lepidote especially toward their apices, the lowest about equaling the spikes, the others much shorter; spikes spreading or slightly reflexed, densely ellipsoid, 4–7 cm long including the short sterile base, 20–25 mm in diameter; floral bracts erect, imbricate, elliptic, obtuse, cucullate, ecarinate, 20–25 mm long, exceeding the sepals, chartaceous, nerved, red, sparsely and minutely pale-lepidote. flowers: pedicel obconic, stout, 3–5 mm long; sepals oblong-elliptic, obtuse, 17–20 mm long, connate for 4–5 mm., strongly nerved, sparsely and obscurely lepidote; petals agglutinated, naked, the bladea elliptic, yellow. stamens included;.

Edited from : Smith 1954b. (protologue) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XVII .