
Vriesea graciliscapa W.Weber  diagnose
plant flowering to 65 cm long, ( inflorescence stretched out.) leaves about 12, bent outwards, forming a rosette 20 cm diameter, green, both sides almost non scaled. leaves: sheath distinct, ovate, to 35 mm long, 30 mm wide, only at the base pale brown, not strikingly appressed scaled; blade lingulate, acuminate and apiculate, only weakly grooved, to12 cm long, 15–20 mm wide. inflorescence: peduncle at first erect, somewhat bent over at anthesis, 30 cm long, round, very thin, not scaled, green peduncle bracts erect, enclosing the peduncle, the bottom ones with leaf like blades, the upper ones only short apiculate, 24–27 mm long, much shorter than the internodes, not strikingly brown purple spotted; fertile part simple, very lax about 11-flowered, distichous, 32 cm long, to 65 mm wide, hanging over at anthesis, rachis weakly flexuous. flowers with 6 mm long, thick pedicel, 35 mm long, bud like almost erect, all the flowers spreading to almost right angles; floral bracts ovate, 25 mm long, to 16 mm wide, tipped, enclosing the sepals and pedicel, green, at the base brown purple, glabrous, unkeeled, much shorter than the sepals; sepals free, longish lanceolate, blunt rounded , 23 mm long, 7 mm wide, leathery with hyaline edges, not keeled, yellow green; petals bright yellow, an erect tube, 28 mm long, the base joined in a tube 5 mm high, tips rounded and somewhat bent outwards and only allowing a tiny hole for pollinating, inside at the base 2 tipped nectar-scales to 9 mm long, that are joined to the petal for 7 mm. stamens 18 mm long, white, enclosing the flower, anthers linear, basifixed. pistil: ovary longish -conic, 5 mm high, style 17 mm long, round, light yellow, stigma very small and papillose.

Edited from : Weber 1984b. (protologue) Die Bromeliaceae im Herbarium D.F.L. von Schlechtendals .