
Vriesea jimenezii Mez & Tonduz  protologue
plant flowering barely over 4 dm high, slender. leaves subutriculate, to 4 dm long, barely 20 mm wide, the sheaths and the lower part of the blades dorsally marked with transverse brown bands, acuminate, the apex produced into a mucro 10 mm long but not pungent. inflorescence: peduncle erect, less than half as long as the leaves; peduncle bracts with a mucronate blade like the leaves, exceeding the internodes; fertile part lanceolate in outline, acute at both ends, 70 mm long, 18 mm wide, distichous, compressed, 3-flowered; floral bracts barely imbricate, ovate, acuminate, 45 mm long, much exceeding the sepals, mucronate, slightly incurved, strongly carinate, glabrous. flowers erect, imperfectly known; sepals elliptic, broadly acute, 30 mm long, 11 mm wide, coriaceous, free.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). in Flora Neotropica.