
Vriesea patzeltii Rauh  diagnose
plant stemless, flowering up to 80 cm high; the numerous green, nearly glabrous leaves form a flat, funnelform rosette of about 60 cm in diameter and a height of 25 cm; the leaf-sheaths are broad-ovate, inconspicuous, pale brown on the upper side and metallic-silver-white beneath; the blades are ligulate, up to 30 cm long and 7 cm wide and are contracted into a short, sharp, dark tip; they are nearly glabrous on both sides, and become smaller to the center of the rosette, the inflorescence peduncle is erect, green, about 1 cm in diameter, up to 25 cm long; the peduncle-bracts are green, glabrous, longer than the peduncle-internodes, have a long sheath and a short acute blade (fig; 2); the erect inflorescence is laxly once-branched, up to 30 cm long and 10 cm wide; the rachis is slightly angled, green and its internodes 1–1,5 cm long; the primary bracts are broad-cymbiform, apiculate, up to 3 cm long, glabrous, much shorter than the short stipitate, about 15 spikes; these are horizontally spreading, but the slender (diameter 2–3 mm), slightly geniculate rachis is curved upwards before an thesis (fig; 2); the 5–6 short pedicillated flowers are laxly arranged, erect before flowering, horizontally spreading when open and somewhat secund after anthesis; the bright-green, sharply keeled, 18–20 mm long floral bracts are apiculate and much shorter than the sepals; these are narrow triangular, acuminate, about 25 mm long, glabrous and slightly carinate at the tip; the cream white petals are broadly obtuse, 2,5 cm long, 0,5 cm wide and bear at their base 2 separate, 6 mm long ligulae; the filaments and the style are deeply included.

Edited from : Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenw.. Bromelienstudien. I.Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .