
Vriesea nocturna Matuda  diagnose
plant terrestrial, to 40 cm high with inflorescence or higher. leaves dense rosulate, lingulate, to 30; sheath brown ovate, 6 cm long, 3.5 cm wide blades ligulate, linear –lanceolate, green, semi-flat, 20–25 cm long, 3 cm wide, acuminate, beneath pale geeen, colored with very beautiful reddish-brown undulating transverse lines. inflorescence: peduncle erect, sturdy; peduncle bracts densely imbricate, long ovate with long blades, narrow, recurving; fertile part slender pyramidal or few flowered, laxly polystichous unbranched flowers, spikes 2 flowered, nocturnal; floral bracts ample, exceeding the flower, foliaceous or sub-leathery, broad acute, 4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide. flowers: sepals free, leathery, concave, not keeled, ovate, strongly asymmetric, petals ligulate, free, white, 25 mm long, 4 mm wide with two appendages of the same color. pistil: style and stamens shorter than the petals.

Edited from : Cact. Suc. Mex.. (protologue) .