
Vriesea chrysostachys E.Morren  protologue
plant stemless. leaves 3–5 dm long; sheath elliptic, densely ferruginous-lepidote; blade linear to lanceolate, minutely punctulate-lepidote. inflorescence: peduncle slender, erect; pedunclebracts imbricate, broadly ovate, the lower acuminate, the upper obtuse; fertile part of 1–4 spikes; primary bracts short and inconspicuous; spikes linear, 1–6 dm long, complanate, many-flowered; floral bracts densely imbricate, broadly ovate, triangular-acute, 25–35 mm long, exceeding the flowers, ecarinate, yellow, coriaceous. flowers subsessile, 25 mm long; sepals lance-ovate, 15 mm long. stamens included.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). in Flora Neotropica.