
Tillandsia rupestris Mez
plant saxicolous, with rhizomes (according to balansa) as seen by chodat the stem almost 0.2m long, thick, flowering to 0.3m high. leaves sometimes all well spread, sometimes sub-erect, the base in a large sheath, wide elliptic, entirely inside, the wide back part almost continuously glabrous to the top, 10–13 cm long, 7 mm wide next to sheath thence to an acute tip (notwithstanding long filiform) gradually erect, narrow, strongly channelled/concave, the middle at least totally involute subulate, rigid, totally white or the younger ones brownish white. inflorescence: peduncle slender, erect, a little exceeding the leaves, glabrous, the sheath at least at the bottom violettish, membranaceous, outside lepidote, straight, erect, exactly equalling the internodes of the tube, narrow elliptic acute tip; fertile part ca 35 mm long, (without flowers) 7 mm wide, rounded lanceolate acute tip, rachis glabrous, strongly angled, a little undulating; floral bracts not at all or barely imbricate, strictly erect, almost leathery, outside prominently nerved, elliptic, below the mucro tip conspicuously rounded, ca 13 mm long. flowers with short thick pedicel, ca 23 mm long sepals leathery, the outside glabrous, smooth, obovate lanceolate, acute tip, ca 13 mm long, 3 mm wide petals from tongue shaped to narrow in the blade, 10 mm longer than the sepals, spreading at anthesis. stamens anther 3 - 3.5 mm long, tip acute, dorsifixed toward the middle ovary decidly long, prismatic, the tip suddenly narrowing to a thick style, 3–4 yimes smaller stigma short, pulvinate; ovules with a tail.

Edited from : Mez 1896. Bromeliaceae in De Candolle, C. (ed.). Monographiae Phanerogamarum.