
Tillandsia xiphioides subsp. prolata H.Luther  diagnose
plant a caulescent, sometimes rootless, mound-forming lithophyte or terrestrial (!d; cathcart); flowering 40–75 cm tall. leaves densely imbricate along the stem, stimy sub erect to spreading, 12–20 cm long, silver-grey; blade narrowly triangular, attenuate, 5–10 mm wide, somewhat nerved, rigid but not especially succulent. inflorescence: peduncle erect, 12–18 cm x 2- 3 mm; fertile part lanceolate, 8–15 x 1–2 cm, distichously 3 to 5-flowered; floral bracts narrowly elliptic, acute, 45–58 mm long, thin-coriaceous, nerved, pale green to yellow-tan. flowers opening in the late afternoon and remaining open 24–48 hours, strongly and sweetly fragrant at all times; sepals narrowly elliptic, acute to acuminate, 33–36 mm long, thin-coriaceous, nerved, the adaxial pair carinate, pale green; corolla with spreading to re flexing blades; petals oblanceolate, obtuse, 7–8 cm long, the margins of the blade becoming strongly undulate, white. stamens and style exserted due to the reflexing of the petal blades.

Edited from : Luther 1996. (protologue) A new Ornamental Tillandsia from Bolivia .