
Tillandsia grisea Baker  diagnose  protologue
; 0 root-leaves not seen. inflorescence: peduncle 6–8 in; long; bract-leaves few, with large ovnte-clasping bases and linear-setaceous rigidly coriaceous densely lepidote free points convolute down to the base; fertile part a panicle 3–6 in; long; spikes 3–8, simple, dense, erecto-patent, 1–2 in; long, ½ in; broad; lower bracts with large ovate clasping bases and long setaceous free points; floral bracts oblong, naked, acutely keeled, ½ in; long. flowers: calyx reaching to the top of the bract; petals narrow, ¼ in; long.

Edited from : Baker 1887b. (protologue) Synopsis of Tillandsieae .