
Guzmania seemanni Baker
; 0 stem more or less produced below the dense rosette. leaves 12–20 in a rosette, lanceolate from an ovate base, 3–4 in; long, 1/6 to 1/4 in; broad at the base of the blade, tapering gradually to the point, thin, obscurely lepidote. inflorescence: peduncle shorter than the leaves. flowers 8–10 in a dense distichous spike 1–2 in; long; bracts broad ovate, red, compressed laterally, many-ribbed, 1/3 to 1/2 in; long; calyx 1/4 in, long; sepals much imbricated, oblong, obtuse. corolla-segments very short, obtuse.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .