
Tillandsia sparsiflora Baker
; 0 lcaves about a dozen in a rosette, lorate from an ovate basc, altogether ½ ft; 1 long, ½ inch broad at thc rniddle, flcxible, hardly at all lepidote, much tinged with purple. inflorescence: peduncle curved, slender, as long as the leaves; fertile part a narrow lax paniclc 6–8 in; long; branch-bracts lanceloate, bright red, the lower longer than the spikes; spikes laxly disposed, distichous, erecto-patent; 1–1½ in; long, consisting of few much imbricated flowers; floral bracts linear-oblong, glabrous, ¾ in; long. flowers: calyx shorter than the bract; sepals lanceolate; petals not seen.

Edited from : Baker 1890. Synopsis of Tillandsieae (continued) .