
Dyckia gilliesii Baker
leaves lanceolate, 3–4 in; long, 1/3 in; broad at the base, narrowed gradually to the point, the edge rolled together above the base, glabrous on the face, argenteo-lepidote and conspicuously vertically lineate on the back, armed on the margin with large hooked spreading, stramineous spines, the lower 1/6 in; long. inflorescence a simple lax spike 6–9 in; long; rachis obscurely pubescent. flowers usually solitary; floral bracts ovate, acute, rigid, the lower as long as the calyx; sepals oblong-navicular, rigid, glabrous, 1/6 in; long; petals and stamens only seen in the bud- stage, the former with an oblong lamina.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .