
Puya phelpsiae L.B.Sm.  diagnose  protologue
; 0 rhizome subbulbous; 1 flowering shoot 35 cm high. leaves densely rosulate; sheath suborbicular, 3 cm wide, pale, almost wholly glabrous; blade recurving, narrowly triangular, pungent, 13 cm long, 16 mm wide, green and glabrous above, covered with appressed cinereous scales beneath, sublaxly serrate with dark antrorse uncinare spines 3 mm long. inflorescence: peduncle erect, slender, cinereous-lepidote; peduncle bracts subfoliaceous, curved-divergent, distinctly longer than the internodes but covering little of the peduncle; fertile part once-branched, interrupted at base, otherwise very densely ellipsoid, 9 cm long, 4 cm in diameter; primary bracts elliptic, acute, to 2 cm long, equaling the subaborted lowest branches, otherwise shorter, cinereous-lepidote; racemes strict, subdensely few-flowered; floral bracts elliptic, exceeding the pedicels, secund with the flowers. flowers spreading; pedicel slender, 3–4 mm long; sepals oblong-lanceolate, broadly acute, 11 mm long, glabrous; petals ca 14 mm long. stamens included.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1974. Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) in Flora Neotropica.