
Pitcairnia macrochlamys Mez  diagnose  protologue
plant short stemmed, to 30 cm, sprouting from the base, flowering 1,5–2 m high. leaves dimorphous; the basal ones are bladeless, brown, edges entire, triangular-acuminate lower leaves; leaves* leaves numerous, persistent, forming a 80 cm high and to 1,6 m diam wide rosette, (fig; 24, left); sheath distinct, wide-oval, to 3 cm high, 2,5 cm wide, upper side in the upper half shiny dark chestnut brown, in the lower half white, underneath leather-brown felt; blade with 25–30 cm long, with sunken grooves, upper side glabrous, underneath brown to gray felt, edges smooth petiole; blade* hanging over, both ends narrow, to 1 m long and 5 cm wide, upperside dark green, glabrous, underneath dense grey dusty lepidote, edges smooth, towards the top small, brown teeth. inflorescence: peduncle erect, 1 cm thick, to 90 cm long, green, brown fleecy dusty lepidote; peduncle bracts densely adjacent to the peduncle, longer than the internodes, narrow-triangular, long acuminate, the basal ones subfoliate, the middle ones to 15 cm, the upper ones to 12 cm long,( all longer than the internodes), edges occasionally toothed, grey green to leather-brown lepidote (particularly the upper); fertile part simple, narrow-cylindrical, to 20 cm long, 2,5 cm thick, acuminate; floral bracts prefloral densely imbricate, at anthesis somewhat spreading, so that the thick (0,8 cm), green, brown-fleecy rachis is visible, erect, narrow-triangular, acuminate, ± 4 cm long, at the base 2 cm wide, carinate, underneath light leathery brown lepidote, upperside glabrous, exceeding the sepals ( fig; 24 middle). flowers with short, thick, 3–5 mm long pedicel, to 10 cm long, bent strongly, zygomorphic; pedicel grey green, lepidote; sepals ± 3 cm long, the adaxial pair carinate, long lanceolate, acuminate, at the base green and verrucose, drying brown at the top; petals cream white, tongue shaped, acuminate, to 1,5 cm wide, 10 cm long, at the base a wide ligule. stamens: filament white, bent, with linear anthers, shorter than the petals. pistil: style white, bent, with yellowish, twisted capitate stigma, exceeding the anthers, a little shorter than the petals; ovary more than half superior; ovules short caudate.

Edited from : Mez 1906a. Additamenta monographica 1906 - Originaldiagnosen .