
<- Dyckia apiunensis P.J.Braun & Gastaldi[as Dyckia apiunensis ]

Table 1: Synopsis Dyckia frigida and Dyckia vilsonii

Dyckia frigida Hooker F.Dyckia vilsonii P.J. Braun & Gastaldi 2019
Plant (including inflorescence)smaller than 1 m in diameter, max. 1 m highmostly more than 1 m in diameter, up to 2.2 m high
Leaves60-80 in number; 45-62cm long; sheaths green; beneath glaucous lepidote; teeth yellow-brown, 7 mm long40-45 in number; 50-73 cm long; sheaths vinaceous; beneath light green; teeth green, 3 mm long
Inflorescenceshorter than 1 mlonger than 2 m
Pedunclegreen, lepidote/tomentoseglabrous, green-reddish
Flowersin the apical and young part of the inflorescence in dense closed position (like a cone), in anthesis wide apartin evenly dense position
Petals(light) yellowhoney-yellow
Fruitsessile capsulescapsules on post florally thickened, short, yellow pedicels
HabitatBrazil, Paranâ, Morro Anhangava, Agudos do Sul, 1200-1400 m above sea levelBrazil, Santa Catarina, Municipality Apiuna, Morro Dois Bernardi, 350-410 m above sea level

Edited from : Braun & Gastaldi 2019. (protologue) Dyckia vilsonii and Dyckia apiunensis – Two New Yellow Flowered Species from Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil .