
<- Viridantha pachycaulis Hern.-Cárdenas, Espejo & López-Ferr.[as Viridantha pachycaulis ]

TABLE 1. Morphological differences between Vidantha atroviridipetala (Matilda) Espejo. V. grandispica (Ehlers) Hem.-Cardenas, Espejo & Lopez-Ferr. V. mauiyana (L.B. Sm.) Espejo. V. pachycauhs Hem.-Cardenas. Espejo & Lopez-Ferr. V. zamudioi Hem.-Cardenas, Espejo & Lopez-Ferr. and V. yagulensis (Ehlers) Hern.-Cardenas, Espejo & Lopez-Ferr.

CharactersV. atroviridipetalaV. grandispicaV. mauryanaV. pachycaulisV. zamudioiV. yagulensis
Habitacaulescent rarely short caulescentacaulescentacaulescentshort caulescentacaulescentshort caulescent
Leaf sheaths size (mm)10-20 x 5-1010-20 x 5-715-25 x 10-1515-20 x 7-810-14 x 12-14 square to15-20 x 8-10
Leaf sheaths shapeoblong to ovatenarrowly oblongbroadly ellipticoblongtransversely widely oblongoblong
Leaf blades width (mm)2-3.53-47-113.5-4.50.8-13.5-5
Spikes number4-74-73-42-52-35-7
Spikes size (cm)1.5-3 x 0.5-13-5 x 1-2.52.5-3.5 x 1-1.53-4 x 1-1.52.8-3.3 x 1.7-22-3 x 0.8-1
Spikes shapenarrowly ellipticnarrowly ellipticellipticellipticellipticelliptic
Floral bracts size (cm)1.5-2.5x0.5-0.81.7-2.5 x 0.6-11-1.5 x 1-1.52-2.5 x 0.8-11.8-2 x 0.8-11.5-2 x 0.7-1
Floral bracts shapelanceolate to narrowly triangularovate to triangularovateovateovateelliptic
Sepals size (mm)10-17x3-515-20 x 4-610-15 x 3-515-20 x 4-512-15 x 3-512-15 x 4-5
Sepals shapelanceolateovateovatelanceolatelanceolateelliptic to ovate
Petals length (cm)1.5-22.5-31.5-2.52-2.51.6-1.72.2-2.5
Anthers colourgreengreenblackpale greenblackgreen
Capsules length (cm)2.5-4 Estado de Mexico,4-52-2.52.5-3unknownunknown
Geographical distributionGuanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, and ZacatecasGuerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca, and ZacatecasHidalgoJaliscoQueretaroOaxaca

Edited from : Hernandez et al. 2021. (protologue) Two new species of Viridantha (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae) .