
<- Encholirium anteroi Braun, Esteves & R.Esteves[as Encholirium anteroi ]

Tab. 1: Main differences between Encholirium anteroi and Encholirium josinoi-narcisae

Encholirium anteroiEncholirium josinoi-narcisae
Plant before flowering ca. 0.4–0.7 m tall, flowering ca. 2.5 m high; rosette ca. 90 cm in diameter, white cinereousbefore flowering ca. 0.5 m tall, flowering ca. 1.8 m high; rosette up to 56 cm in diameter; more greenish, less lepidote
Sheathca. 4.6 cm long, 6.8 cm wideca. 3.8 cm long, 5.6 cm wide
Blades ca. 46 cm long, ca. 7.8 cm wide 28 cm long, ca. 5.2 cm wide
Teeth ca. 0.8 cm long, covered by white-cinereous scales ca. 0.5 cm long, naked
Scapemostly shorter than 1 m ca. 1,1 m long
Scape bracts ca. 29 cm long ca. 23 cm long
Inflorescence simple or composed simplesimple
Pedicel ca. 4.8 cm long mostly a bit shorter
Floral bracts lower ones ca. 2.8 cm long, towards apex minute minute
Sepals connatefree
Petals wide radially opening, recurved in more tubular position
Ovary ca. 2.4 cm long ca. 1.9 cm long
Style stigma lobes fringed-papillose conduplicate spirally
Capsules ca. 2.4 cm long ca. 3.2 cm long

Edited from : Braun et al. 2020. (protologue) A New Species in the Genus Encholirium from Central Brazil: Encholirium anteroi .