
<- Araeococcus lageniformis R.A.Pontes & Versieux[as Araeococcus lageniformis ]

Table 1. Morphological comparison between Araeococcus lageniformis and A. nigropurpureus.

CharactersA. lageniformisA. nigropurpureus
HabitatMontane forest (700-720 m)Coastal and lowland forests (100-200 m)
PlantEpiphytic, occasionally terrestrialEpiphytic and terrestrial
Rosette outlineStrongly ellipsoidEllipsoid to infundibuliform
Tank openingNarrow tank, opening ca. 1 cm diamOpen tank, opening 2-3 cm in diam
LeavesUp to 65 cm longUp to 36 cm long
Leaf blades0.6-1 cm wide, linear, revolute, spiny margin1.8-3 cm wide, lanceolate, flat, spineless margin
PedicelAbsent to subssesile, < 0.3 mm longPresent, 1.5-4 mm long
Floral bracts2.5-4 x 0.8-1.8 mm, lanceolate, densely covered by arachnoid trichomes1-1.3 x 0.3-0.8 mm, broadly triangular, rarely arachnoid
Sepals1.1-1.3 x 1-1.2 mm, widely ovate, subsymmetric, apiculus inconspicuous or 0.1 mm long, trichomes arachnoid and papillose1.2-1.5 x 1.1-1.2 mm, ovate to suborbicular, asymmetric, apiculate up to 0.2 mm, glabrous
SeedsEllipsoid, 1.3 x 0.46 mm, testa cells isodiametric, wide walled, wider around the central partEllipsoid-lanceolate, 1 x 0.45 mm, testa cells elongated, narrow walled, wider at the chalazal side.

Edited from : Pontes et al. 2019. (protologue) A New Species of Araeococcus (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil and a Comparative Morphological and Anatomical Analysis .