Bromeliaceae Literature (most recent first) — Wilhelm Weber
- Weber, W. (1991) A note concerning Dimorphic Foliage in the Genus Cryptanthus or another "Crypt" bites the dust. Cryptanthus Soc. J 6(4): 12-13.
- Weber, W. (1987) Some interesting Puyas in the Wroclaw Herbarium: Puya grandidens. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 37(4): 176-177.
- Weber, W. (1986) Species novae Bromeliacearum V. Feddes repertorium 97(3-4): 93-128.
- Weber, W. (1986) Species Novae Bromeliacearum III: Cryptanthys osiris. Cryptanthus Soc. J 1(1): 7-8.
- Weber, W. (1986) A New Giant Vriesea from Bahia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 36(1): 12-13.
- Weber, W. (1986) Puya gerdae, a new Peruvian species. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 36(2): 49, 55-59.
- Weber, W. (1986) Some interesting Puyas in the Wroclaw Herbarium: Puya ferox. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 36(4): 172-173.
- Weber, W. (1985) Two New Pitcairnias from the Leningrad Herbarium. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(4): 154-157.
- Weber, W. (1985) Neoregelia lillyae, a new medium-size Neoregelia from Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(1): 16-19.
- Weber, W. (1985) Two new terrestial Bromeliads from Bahai, Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(2): 61-64.
- Weber, W. (1985) Vriesea ouroensis, a new species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(5): 206-207.
- Weber, W. (1984) Die Bromeliaceae im Herbarium D.F.L. von Schlechtendals. Feddes repertorium 95: 573-600.
- Weber, W. (1984) A new Aechmea From Brazil: Dedicated to Lyman B. Smith On His 80th Birthday. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(5): 202-204.
- Weber, W. (1984) A new Tillandsia From Bolivia: Dedicated to Walter Richter. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(3): 102-103,130.
- Weber, W. (1984) Rare in Cultivation: Fascicularia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(6): 265,268-269.
- Weber, W. (1983) Species novae Bromeliacearum IV. Feddes repertorium; Zeitschrift für botanische Taxonomie und Geobotanik 94(9-10): 595-624.
- Weber, W. (1983) From an old collection – A new species of Hohenbergia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(5): 220-222.
- Weber, W. & Smith, L.B. (1983) A New Combination in Mezobromelia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(3): 121-122.
- Weber, W. (1983) New Tillandsias from Mexico. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(1): 30-33.
- Weber, W. (1983) Some new Tillandsias from Peru in the Herbarium of Leipzig. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(4): 151-155, 169.
- Weber, W. (1982) Species novae Bromeliacearum III. Feddes repertorium; Zeitschrift für botanische Taxonomie und Geobotanik 93(5): 337-349.
- Weber, W. & Ehlers,R. (1982) A New Variety of Tillandsia gardneri from Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32(3): 110-111.
- Weber, W. (1982) The Mysterious Tillandsia rosea. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32(6): 239-246.
- Weber, W. (1982) Herbarium Studies III - Tillandsia circinnata Schlecht. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32(1): 28-31.
- Weber, W. (1982) An attractive new Neoregelia from Brazil. Neoregelia smithii Weber. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32(2): 72-74.
- Weber, W. (1981) Herbarium Studies II - On the identification of Tillandsia limbata Schldl. 1845 ("1844"). Journal of the Bromeliad Society 31(5): 223-224.
- Weber, W. (1981) Herbarium Studies I - The Riddle of Tillandsia erubescens Schldl. has been solved!. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 31(4): 173-175.
- Weber, W. (1979) Species novae Bromeliacearum II. Bradea; boletim do Herbarium Bradeanum 3(4): 23-28.
- Weber, W. (1979) Vriesea bleheri, a new, attractive species from Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 29(4): 172-174.
- Weber, W. (1971) Bestimmungsschlüssel Tillandsia. Waldsteinberg, Germany, 54 pp.