Bromeliaceae Literature (most recent first) — Lyman B. Smith
- Smith, L.B. & Till, W. (1998) Bromeliaceae. In: Kubitzki, K. (ed.) - The family and Genera of Vascular Plants, IV Monocotyledons (Alismatanae and Commelinanae). Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 74–99.
- Smith, L.B. & Gouda, E.J. (1996) A new Bromeliad species from French Guiana. Bromélia 3(4): 9-12.
- Smith, L.B. & Spencer, M.A. (1992) A revision of the genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Pitcairnioideae). Bradea 4(16): 141-146.
- Smith, L.B. & Spencer, M.A. (1992) Reduction of Streptocalyx (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae). Phytologia 72(2): 96-98.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1992) Flora Neotropica Monograph no 14(1), Supplement no 3. Fosterella. Bradea 6(15): 134-140.
- Smith, L.B. (1991) A new Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) from Peru. Phytologia 70(1): 52-57.
- Smith, L.B. (1991) Notes on Bromeliaceae XLII. Phytologia 71(1): 66-83.
- Smith, L.B. & Spencer, M.A. (1991) A new species of Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae). Phytologia 104-108.
- Smith, L.B. (1991) A New Species for an Old Friend: Puya ramonii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 40(2): 57-58.
- Smith, L.B. & Kress, W.J. (1990) New Genera of Bromeliaceae. Phytologia 69(4): 271-274.
- Smith, L.B. & Kress, W.J. (1990) New genera of Bromeliaceae. Phytologia; designed to expedite botanical publication 69(4)271-274.
- Smith, L.B. & Kress, W.J. (1989) New or restored genera of Bromeliaceae. Phytologia; designed to expedite botanical publication 66: 70-79.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1989) Flora Neotropica Monograph no 14(1), Supplement no 2. Encholirium. Bradea 5(27): 296-311.
- Smith, L.B. (1989) Thank you! Don José. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc 17(65): 231-235.
- Smith, L.B. (1989) Another Giant Dyckia Mystery. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 39(5): 206-207.
- Smith, L.B. (1988) New Key to the Genera of the Bromeliaceae. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63: 403-411.
- Smith, L.B. (1988) A Giant Dyckia Mystery. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 38(6): 248-249.
- Smith, L.B. (1987) Revision of the Guayana Highland Bromeliaceae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 73(4): 689-721.
- Smith, L.B. & Till, W. (1987) Some remarks on Tillandsia confinis (Bromeliaceae). , pp.
- Smith, L.B. (1987) New Bromeliads, 4: An Unusual Dyckia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 37(4): 151,155.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1986) A Weird Bromeliad from the Lost World. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 36(1): 10-11.
- Smith, L.B. (1985) A New Species of Connellia from Venezuela. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(2): 52-53.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1985) A Mimic Bromeliad from Colombia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(6): 251.
- Smith, L.B. (1984) Bromeliaceae. In: Steyer-mark J. Nuevos Taxa de la Guayana Venezolana. Acta Botanica Venezuelica 14(3): 8-48..
- Smith, L.B. (1984) New Bromeliads-1: Brocchinia amazonica. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(3): 106-107.
- Smith, L.B. (1984) New Bromeliads-2: Tillandsia sonorensis. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(4): 160-162.
- Smith, L.B. & Steyermark, J.A. (1984) Flora de la Guayana Venezolana. Acta Botánica Venezuelica vol.14(3): 5-117.
- Smith, L.B. (1983) A new Pitcairnia from Venezuela. Phytologia 53(3): 177-178.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1982) Notes on Bromeliaceae XLI. Phytologia 52(1): 49-60.
- Smith, L.B. & Downs, R.J. (1979) Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). In: Flora Neotropica. Hafner Press, New York, pp. 1493 – 2142.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1979) Notes on Bromeliaceae XL. Phytologia 41(5): 329-345.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1979) Orthophytum Burle-Marxii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 29(4): 164-165.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1979) Aechmea Milsteiniana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 29(1): 21-23.
- Smith, L.B. & Downs, R.J. (1977) Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). In: Flora Neotropica. Hafner Press, New York, pp. 663–1492.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1977) Notes on Bromeliaeae XXXIX. Phytologia 38(2): 135-148.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1976) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXVIII. Phytologia 33(7): 429-443.
- Smith, L.B.; Steyermark, J.A. & Robinson, H. (1976) Bromeliaceae
. In: Steyermark, J.A. & C. Brewer - CarIas. La Vegetación de la Cima del Macizo de Jáua. Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat 22: 286-290, 293-294, 307-311.
- Smith, L.B. & Wood, C.E. (1975) The genera of the Bromeliaceae in the Southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 56: 375-397.
- Smith, L.B. & Read, R.W. (1975) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXVII. Phytologia 30(5): 289-303.
- Smith, L.B. & Downs, R.J. (1974) Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae). In: Flora Neotropica. Hafner Press, New York, pp. 1 – 660.
- Smith, L.B. (1974) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXV. Phytologia 28(1): 24-42.
- Smith, L.B. (1974) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXVI. Phytologia 28(4): 319-333.
- Smith, L.B. (1973) Ronnbergia Petersii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 23(2): 46-48.
- Smith, L.B. (1972) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora del Uruguay. Montevideo Uruguay, 31 pp.
- Smith, L.B. (1972) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXIV. Phytologia 24(5): 419-454.
- Smith, L.B. (1971) Bromeliaceae. In: Lasser, T. - Flora de Venezuela. Edicion Especial Instituto Botanico, Caracas Venezuea, 361 pp.
- Smith, L.B. (1971) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXII. Phytologia 21(2): 73-96.
- Smith, L.B. (1971) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXIII. Phytologia 22(2): 85-87.
- Smith, L.B. (1970) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXI. Phytologia 20(3): 121-183.
- Smith, L.B. (1970) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXX. Phytologia 19(2): 281-290.
- Smith, L.B. (1969) The Bromeliaceae of Bolivia. Rhodora 71(1): 35-57 and 71(2): 220-279.
- Smith, L.B. (1969) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXIX. Phytologia 18(3): 137-142.
- Smith, L.B. (1969) Bromeliaceae. In: Maguire, B. - The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part VIII (290 pp.). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 18(2): 29-32.
- Smith, L.B. (1968) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora of Suriname. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, pp. 94–148.
- Smith, L.B. (1968) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXVII. Phytologia 16(2): 62-86.
- Smith, L.B. (1968) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXVIII. Phytologia 16(6): 459-463.
- Smith, L.B. (1968) Nidumea, A New Bigeneric Bromeliad Hybrid. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 18(3): 62-63.
- Smith, L.B. (1967) The Bromeliaceae of the Guayana Highland. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 14(3): 15-68.
- Smith, L B. (1967) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXVI. Phytologia 15(3): 163-200.
- Smith, L.B. (1967) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXV. Phytologia 14(8): 457-491.
- Smith, L.B. & Steyermark, J.A. (1967) Dos especies Bromeliaceae nuevas para la ciencia. Acta Botánica Venezuelica vol.2(5-8): 380-382.
- Smith, L.B. (1966) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXIII. Phytologia 13(2): 84-161.
- Smith, L.B. (1966) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXIV. Phytologia 13(7): 454-465.
- Smith, L.B. (1966) Dyckia marnier-lapostollei. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 16(5): 102-103.
- Smith, L.B. (1966) The Great Bromeliad Hoax. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 16(1): 4-5.
- Smith, L.B. (1965) Itinerary of Edouard Francois Andre in his expedition to the northern Andes 1875-76. Phytologia 12: 401-413.
- Smith, L.B. (1964) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXI. Phytologia 10(1): 1-55.
- Smith, L.B. (1964) Notes on Bromeliaceae XXII. Phytologia 10(6): 454-488.
- Smith, L.B. (1964) Vriesea marnier-lapostollei. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 14(6): 108.
- Smith, L.B. & Reitz, R. (1964) Aechmea bambusoides. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 14(2): 31-32.
- Smith, L.B. (1964) Aechmea nallyi. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 13(6): 124-125.
- Smith, L.B. (1964) Bromelaceae. In: Maguire, B. & Wurdack, J.J. - The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part V. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 10(5): 37-41.
- Smith, L.B. (1963) Notes on Bromeliaceae XIX. Phytologia 8(9): 497-506.
- Smith, L.B. (1963) Notes on Bromeliaceae XX. Phytologia 9(4): 242-261.
- Smith, L.B. (1963) Vriesea soderstromii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 13(3): 52-53.
- Smith, L.B. (1963) Bromeliáceas nuevas o criticas del Peru I. Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado 16: 1-7.
- Smith, L.B. (1963) Bromeliaceae. In: Schultes, R.E., Plantae Austro-Americanae XI. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 65: 7-9.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) Bromeliaceae (New species). Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 23: 62-64.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) Notes on Bromeliaceae XVIII. Phytologia 8(5): 217-229.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) Nidularium deleonii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 12(6): 104-105.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) Another Foster Orthophytum. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 12(2): 32.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) A New Look at the Species of Pineapple. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 12(3): 54-55.
- Smith, L.B. (1962) Tres nuevas Bromeliáceas del Peru. Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado 13: 1-7.
- Smith, L.B. (1961) Notes on Bromeliaceae XVII. Phytologia 8(1): 1-13.
- Smith, L.B. (1961) Notes on Bromeliaceae XVI. Phytologia 7(8): 417-428.
- Smith, L.B. (1961) Are they Bromeliads. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 11(6): 92-93.
- Smith, L.B. (1961) Uma nova Bromelia do estado do Amazonas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Botânica II 12: 1-3.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Notes on Bromeliaceae XV. Phytologia 7(5): 249-257.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Notes on Bromeliaceae XIII. Phytologia 7(3): 105-111.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Notes on Bromeliaceae XIV. Phytologia 7(4): 169-178.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Notable Bromeliaceae of the Lundell Herbaium. Wrightia 2: 64-65.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Guzmania teuscheri, a new ornamental fro Ecuador. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 9(6): 86-87 figs..
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Mrs. Abendroth's New Neoregelia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 10(2): 24.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Tillandsia ferrisiana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 10(6): 92-93.
- Smith, L.B. (1960) Bromeliaceae. In: Maguire, B. & Wurdack, J.J. - The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part IV. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 10(2): 16-22.
- Smith, L.B. (1959) Notes on Bromeliaceae XII. Phytologia 7(1): 1-8.
- Smith, L.B. (1959) Notes on Bromeliaceae XI. Phytologia 6(8): 433-443.
- Smith, L.B. (1959) Three New Greigias from Mexico. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 9(4): 51-53.
- Smith, L.B. (1959) An overlooked Portea. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 9(2): 24.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana. Botany Vol.24 Part 1.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Trés Bromeliáceas novas do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série Botânica II 1: 1-5.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Bromeliaceae do Herbário do Dr. Adolpho Lutz. Encholirium lutzii L.B. Smith n.sp. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 35-37.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Notes on Bromeliaceae X. Phytologia 6(4): 257-261.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Notes on Bromeliaceae IX. Phytologia 6(3): 193-196.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) A new Pitcairnia from Hispaniola. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 8(2): 20-21.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) A Striking New Peruvian Tillandsia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 8(3): 44-45.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Dr. Macedo's New Bromelia from Goias, Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 8(1): 12-13.
- Smith, L.B. (1958) Orthophytum fosterianum. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 8(2): 24-25.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. US National Herbarium, USA, 310 pp.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) The Machris Brazilian expedition. Botany: Phanerogamae, Bromeliaceae and other smaller families. Los Angeles County Museum Contributions in Science 17: 1-8.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) Bromeliaceae. In: Maguire, B. & Wurdack, J.J. - The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part II. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 9(3): 283-318.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) Bromeliaceae. In: Maguire, B., Steyermark, J.A. & Wurdack, J.J. - Botany of the Chimanta Massif - I Gran Sabana, Venezuela. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 9(3): 414-476.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) Bromeliáceas Notáveis do Herbário do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro-II. Arq. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 15: 128-132.
- Smith, L.B. (1957) Botanical Exploration In Venezuela - IV, Bromeliaceae. In: Steyermark, J.A. et al. Contributions to the Flora of Venezuela. Fieldiana: Botany 28(4): 828-831.
- Smith, L.B. (1956) Bromeliaceae of Suriname. Acta botanica Neerlandica 5(1): 90-93.
- Smith, L.B. (1956) Notes on Bromeliaceae VII. Phytologia 5(8): 394-400.
- Smith, L.B. (1956) Notes on Bromeliaceae VIII. Phytologia 5(9): 401-403.
- Smith, L.B. (1956) A new Hohenbergia from Jamaica. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 6(4): 52.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) The Bromeliaceae of Brazil. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections Vol.126(1).
- Smith, L.B. (1955) Notes on Bromeliaceae VI. Phytologia 5(6): 281-288.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) Notes on Bromeliaceae V. Phytologia 5(4): 177-183.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) Bromeliaceae. In: Plantae Colombianae XIII, R.E. Schultes (ed.). Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 17(3): 67-77.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) A New Navia from Colombia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 5(2): 19.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) Guzmania hedychioides. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 5(5): 69.
- Smith, L.B. (1955) Plantae Colombianeae XIII. De Plantis Colombiae Amazonicae Notae Diversae Significantes by Richard Evans Schultes. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 17(3): 65-100.
- Smith, L.B. & Pittendrigh, C.S. (1954) Realignments in the Bromeliaceae subfamily Tillandsioideae. Journal of the Washington Academy of sciences 43(12): 401-404.
- Smith, L.B. (1954) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XVII. Contributions of the United States National Herbarium 29(11): 521-541.
- Smith, L.B. (1954) Notes on Bromeliaceae IV. Phytologia 5(1): 33-50.
- Smith, L.B. (1954) Bromeliaceae. In: Schultes, R.E., Plantae Austro-Americanae IX. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 16(8): 192-198.
- Smith, L.B. (1954) A New Name for Old Error. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 4(1): 6.
- Smith, L.B. (1953) Notes on Bromeliaceae I. Phytologia 4(4): 213-221.
- Smith, L.B. (1953) Notes on Bromeliaceae II. Phytologia 4(5): 355-368.
- Smith, L.B. (1953) Notes on Bromeliaceae III. Phytologia 4(6): 378-384.
- Smith, L.B. (1953) Some new combinations in Guatemalan Bromeliaceae. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 68-69.
- Smith, L.B. (1953) A New Aechmea from Venezuela. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 3(5): 43.
- Smith, L.B. (1952) Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil - V. Arquivos de botânica do São Paulo 2: 195-198.
- Smith, L.B. (1952) Bromeliaceas Notaveis do Herbario do Museu Nacional -- Rio de Janeiro. Boletim Museo Nacional Rio de Janeiro 15: 1-7 (n. ser.).
- Smith, L.B. (1952) A New Ornamental Bromeliad. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 2(6): 63.
- Smith, L.B. (1952) Bromeliaceae. In: Camp, W.H. - Plants collected in Ecuador, Bromeliaceae, Cannaceae, etc. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 8(1): 25-31.
- Smith, L.B. (1952) Variaçao em Vriesia friburgensis Mez. Anais Botânicos do Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues 4: 67-68.
- Smith, L.B. (1952) Botany.-A new Guzmania from Colombia. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 42(9): 282-283.
- Smith, L.B. (1951) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XVI. Contributions of the United States National Herbarium 29(10): 429-520.
- Smith, L.B. (1951) A new Tillandsia from Honduras. Ceiba 1(4): 229-231.
- Smith, L.B. (1951) Botanical Exploration In Venezuela - I, Bromeliaceae. In: Steyermark, J.A. et al. Contributions to the Flora of Venezuela. Fieldiana: Botany 28(1): 135-151.
- Smith, L.B. (1951) Bromeliaceae. In: Schultes, R.E. - Plantae Austro-Americanae VII. De Festo seculari Ricardi Sprucei America Australi Adventu Commemoratio Atque de Plantis Principaliter Vallis Amazonics Diversae Observationes. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 15(2): 40-41.
- Smith, L.B. (1950) Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil - IV. Arquivos de botânica do São Paulo 2: 118-120.
- Smith, L.B. (1950) Bromeliáceas Notáveis do Herbário do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Arq. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 10: 141-148.
- Smith, L.B. (1950) Notas sôbre Bromeliaceas de Santa Catarina. Anais Botânicos do Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues 2: 13-15.
- Smith, L.B. (1950) Notas sôbre Bromeliaceas de Santa Catarina. Anais Botânicos do Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues 2: 17-33.
- Smith, L.B. (1950) Botany.-A new Puya from Bolivia. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 40(7): 216-217.
- Smith, L.B. (1949) Notes on Ecuadorian Bromeliaceae. Journal of natural products (Lloydia) Vol. 11: 303-308.
- Smith, L.B. (1949) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XV. Contributions of the United States National Herbarium 29(7): 227-316.
- Smith, L.B. (1948) Bromeliaceas Notables de Bolivia. Lilloa 14: 93-99, fig.1.
- Smith, L.B. (1948) Bromeliaceas Notables de Colombia IV
. Caldasia 5(21): 1-16.
- Smith, L.B. (1948) Bromeliaceae. In: Maguire, B. - Plant Explorations in Guiana 1944, chiefly to the Tafelberg and the Kaietur Plateau-II. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club vol.75: 189-230.
- Smith, L.B. (1946) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XIV. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. CLXI: 29-35.
- Smith, L.B. (1946) Bromeliaceae. In: R.E. Schultes - Plantae Austro-Americanae III - De Plantis principaliter Colombiae Orientalis Observationes. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 12: 117-132, pl.XIV-XV.
- Smith, L.B. (1945) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XIII. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. CLIV: 32-39.
- Smith, L.B. (1945) Bromeliaceas Notables de Colombia III
. Caldasia 3(13): 239-246.
- Smith, L.B. (1944) Bromeliaceae. In: R.E. Woodson & R.W. Schery - Flora of Panama (Missouri Botanical Garden). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard 31(1): 73-137.
- Smith, L.B. (1944) A new Bromeliad (Navia) from Colombia
. Caldasia 3: 131.
- Smith, L.B. (1944) Bromeliaceae. In: C.L. Lundell. Flora of Texas. , pp.
- Smith, L.B. (1943) Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil - II. Arquivos de botânica do São Paulo 1: 101-122, t101-t134.
- Smith, L.B. (1943) Bromeliaceas Notables de Argentina. Lilloa 9: 199-202, t. 1-2.
- Smith, L.B. (1943) Bromeliaceae VII. In: Woodson, R. E., Jr. & R. W. Schery - Contributions toward a Flora of Panama. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 30: 83-96.
- Smith, L.B. (1942) Bromelias Notables de Colombia. - I. Caldasia, boletín del instituto de ciencias naturalis de la Universidad Nacional Colombia 1(4): 13-18.
- Smith, L.B. (1942) Bromelias Notables de Colombia. - II. Caldasia, boletín del instituto de ciencias naturalis de la Universidad Nacional Colombia 1(5): 5-10.
- Smith, L.B. (1941) Contributions toward a Flora of Panama. V. Collections chiefly by Paul H. Allen, and by Robert E. Woodson, Jr. and Robert W. Schery. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 28: 409-490.
- Smith, L.B. (1941) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XII (Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University.). Lilloa 6: 381-417 fig. 1-3.
- Smith, L.B. (1941) Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil - I. Arquivos de Botânica do São Paulo 1: 53-60, t64-t80.
- Smith, L.B. (1941) Notas sobre Bromeliáceas del Paraguay. Revista Argentina de agronomía 8: 192-193.
- Smith, L.B. (1940) Studies in the Bromeliaceae XI. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. CXXIX: 31-35.
- Smith, L.B. (1940) Notas sobre Bromeliáceas del Paraguay. Revista Argentina de agronomía 7: 162-164.
- Smith, L.B. (1939) Contributions toward a Flora of Panama. III. Collections during the Summer of 1938, chiefly by R. E. Woodson, Jr., P.H. Allen, and R. J. Seibert. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 26: 265-324.
- Smith, L.B. (1939) Studies in the Bromeliaceae IX. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 124: 7-11.
- Smith, L.B. (1939) Studies in the Bromeliaceae X. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 127: 17-20.
- Smith, L.B. (1939) Notes on the Taxonomy of Ananas and Pseudananas. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 7(5): 73-81, pl.I-III.
- Brittonia.
- Smith, L.B. (1938) Bromeliaceae. In: A contribution to the flora of Honduras (T. G. Yuncker). Publications of the Field Columbian Museum Vol. 17(4).
- Smith, L.B. (1938) Bromeliaceae. In: North American Flora. New York Botanical Garden, USA, pp. 61–228.
- Smith, L.B. (1938) Bromeliaceae. In: Yuncker, T.G., A contribution to the Flora of Honduras. Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 17: 318-322, pl.VII-X.
- Smith, L.B. & Standley, P.C. (1937) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora of Costa Rica Part 1. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum Vol.18.
- Smith, L.B. (1937) Studies in the Bromeliaceae VIII. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. CXVII: 3-43.
- Smith, L.B. (1937) Notes on the Bromeliaceae of Uruguay. Ostenia 4(47): 1-2.
- Smith, L.B. (1936) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora of Peru Part 1 No.3. (J. F. MacBride) B.E. Dahlgren (ed.). Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Botanical series Vol.13.
- Smith, L.B. (1936) Studies in the Bromeliaceae VII. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. CXIV: 3-10.
- Smith, L.B. (1936) Bromeliaceae. In: Standley, P.C. et al. Studies of American Plants VI. Fieldiana: Botany 11(5): 147.
- Smith, L.B. (1935) Studies in the Bromeliaceae VI. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci 70(5): 147-220.
- Rev. Univers. Cat. Santiago.
- Smith, L.B. (1934) Geographical evidence on the lines of evolution in the Bromeliaceae. Engler Germany, pp.
- Smith, L.B. & Looser, G. (1934) Notas sobre las Bromeliáceas Chulenas.
. Rev. Univers. Cat. Santiago 18: 1075-1081.
- Smith, L.B. (1934) Studies in the Bromeliaceae V. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 104: 71-83.
- Smith, L.B. (1933) Studies in the Bromeliaceae IV. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 102: 145-152.
- Smith, L.B. (1932) Studies in the Bromeliaceae III. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. XCVI: 3-35.
- Smith, L.B. (1931) Studies in the Bromeliaceae II. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 95: 40-48.
- Smith, L.B. (1930) The Bromeliaceae of British Guianan. Studies in the Bromeliaceae (reprint of) 46-85.
- Smith, L.B. (1930) Studies in the Bromeliaceae I. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University LXXXIV: 3-86.
- Smith, L.B. Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil - 1,2,4 &5. Arquivos de Botânica do Estado de São Paulo .