Bromeliaceae Literature (most recent first) — Rafaela Forzza
- Arantes, F.M.; de Paula, L.F.; Forzza, R.C. (2024) Checklist of vascular plant species on inselbergs in the Monumento Natural dos Pontōes Capixabas, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Biodiversity Data Journal 12(online): e105688.
- Monteiro, R.F.; Forzza, R.C. (2024) Bromelia longipedicellata and Bromelia stellata (Bromeliaceae): Two new species from the Brazilian Amazon. Feddes Repertorium n/a(n/a):.
- Carvalho, B.M.; Saraiva, D.P.; Bochorny, T.; Forzza, R.C. (2024) Pitcairnia L' Hér (Bromeliaceae-Pitcairnioideae) diversity and distribution in the Brazilian Amazon. Biodiversity Data Journal 12(online): e136458.
- Ballego-Campos, I.; Forzza, R.C.; Paiva, E.A.S. (2023) Complex exudates in inflorescences of Vriesea species reveal evidence of lipophilic secretions by scales of bromeliads. Flora 300: 152228 (online).
- Ballego C., I.; Forzza, R.C.; Paiva, É.A.S. (2023) An overview of secretion in floral bracts of Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae), with emphasis on the secretory scales. Annals of Botany PLANTS 1-59 (oline).
- Ballego-Campos, I.; Forzza, R.C.; Paiva, E.A.S. (2022) Extranuptial nectaries in bromeliads: a new record for Pitcairnia burchellii and perspectives for Bromeliaceae. The Science of Nature 109(3): 28(1-15 online).
- Carvalho, B.d.M.; Forzza, R.C. (2022) Pitcairnia mineira (Bromeliaceae): A new rheophytic species from the Espinhaço Range, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: 1-8 (online e2021abb0377).
- Bratzel, F.; Paule, J.; Leebens-Mack, J.; Leme, E.M.; Forzza, R.C.; Koch, M.A.; Heller, S.; Zizka, G. (2022) Target-enrichment sequencing reveals for the first time a well-resolved phylogeny of the core Bromelioideae (family Bromeliaceae). TAXON 71 (online 12831).
- Büneker, H.M.; Guarçoni, E.A.E.; Santos-Silva, F.; Forzza, R.C. (2021) Dyckia. In: Coleção Flora do Brasil 2020. , pp. 725–1050.
- Ballego C., I.; Forzza, R.C. & Paiva, E.A.S. (2020) More than Scales: Evidence for the Production and Exudation of Mucilage by the Peltate Trichomes of Tillandsia cyanea (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae). Plants 9(763): 1-15.
- Forzza, R.C. et al. (2020) Bromeliaceae. In: Flora do Brasil 2020. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, 2453 pp.
- Leme, E.M.C.; Forzza, R.C.; Halbritter, H. & Ribeiro, O.B.C. (2019) Contribution to the study of the genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae) in Brazil. Phytotaxa 395(3): 137-167.
- Moura, M.N.; Santos-Silva, F.; Gomes-da-Silva, J.; Pereira de Almeida, J.P.; Forzza, R.C. (2019) Between Spines and Molecules: A Total Evidence Phylogeny of the Brazilian Endemic Genus Encholirium (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae). Systematic Botany 44(1): 14-25.
- Moura, M.N.; Forzza, R.C. & Cristiano, M.P. (2018) Reconstruction of ancestral genome size in Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae): what can genome size tell us about the evolutionary history of its five genera?. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 186: 321–333.
- Silva, F.S.; Venda, A.K.L. ; Hallbritter, H.M.; Leme, E.M.C.; Mantovani, A.; Forzza, R.C. (2017) Nested in chaos: Insights on the relations of the ‘Nidularioid Complex’ and the evolutionary history of Neoregelia (Bromelioideae-Bromeliaceae). Brittonia online: 1-15.
- Gomes-da-Silva, J.; Amorim, A.M.; Forzza, R.C. (2017) Distribution of the xeric clade species of Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) in South America: a perspective based on areas of endemism. Journal of Biogeography 44(9): 1994-2006.
- Hmeljevski, K.V.; Nazareno, A.G.; Leandro Bueno, M.; dos Reis, M.S.; Forzza, R.C. (2017) Do plant populations on distinct inselbergs talk to each other? A case study of genetic connectivity of a bromeliad species in an Ocbil landscape. Ecology and Evolution 7(13): 4704-4716.
- Paula, L.F.A.; Forzza, R.C.; Neri, A.V.; Bueno, M.L. & Porembski, S. (2016) Sugar Loaf Land in south-eastern Brazil: a centre of diversity for mat-forming bromeliads on inselbergs. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3): 459–476.
- Machado, T.M.; Forzza, R.C.; Stehmann, J.R. (2016) Bromeliaceae from caparaó national park, Minas Gerais/Espírito Santo States, Brazil, with notes on distribution and conservation. Oecologia Australis 20(2): 133-146.
- Forzza, R.C. & Leme, E.M.C. (2015) Three new species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from eastern Brazil. Phytotaxa 227(1): 13–24.
- Louzada, Rafael Batista; Forzza, Rafaela Campostrini; Costa, Andrea; Siqueira Filho, José Alves; Martinelli, Gustavo; Monteiro, Raquel Fernandes; Santos-Silva, Fernanda; Saraiva, Daisy Pereira; Paixão-Souza, Bruno & Versieux, Leonardo Melo (2015) The Brazilian checklist of Plants: Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Rodrigues, A.R.P.; Forzza, R.C. & Andrade, A.C.S. (2014) Physiological characteristics underpinning successful cryopreservation of endemic and endangered species of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 176(4): 567-578.
- Rodrigues, A.R.P.; Forzza, R.C.; Andrade, A.C.S. (2014) Physiological characteristics underpinning successful cryopreservation of endemic and endangered species of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176(4): 567-578.
- Forzza, R.C., Costa, A., Siqueira-Filho, J.A., Martinelli, G., Monteiro, R.F., Santos-Silva, F., Saraiva, D.P., Paixão-Souza,B., Louzada,R.B. & Versieux, L. (2013) Bromeliaceae. In: Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, pp.
- Christianini, A.V. ; Forzza, R. C. & Buzato, S. (2013) Divergence on floral traits and vertebrate pollinators of two endemic Encholirium bromeliads. Plant Biology 15(2): 360-368.
- Forzza, R.C., Leme, E.C.M. & Ribeiro, B.C. (2012) Encholirium pulchrum and E. diamantinum spp. nov. (Bromeliaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 30(2): 153–158.
- Forzza, R.C. & Zappi, D. (2011) Side by side: two remarkable new species of Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae) found in the Cadeia do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil. KEW BULLETIN 66(2): 1-7.
- Domingues, R.; Machado, M.A.; Forzza, R.C.; Melo, T.D.; Wohlres-Viana, S. & Viccini, L.F. (2011) Genetic variability of an endangered Bromeliaceae species (Pitcairnia albiflos) from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Genetics and Molecular Research 10(4): 2482-2491.
- Monteiro, R.F.; Forzza, R.C. & Mantovani, A. (2011) Leaf structure of Bromelia and its significance for the evolution of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Plant Syst Evol 293: 53–64.
- Forzza, R.C.; Costa, A. & .Alves, J. & Filho, S. & Martinelli, G. (2010) Bromeliaceae. In: Forzza (ed.), Catálogo de plantas e fungos do Brasil, volume 1. .
- Forzza, R.C.; Fernandes Monteiro, R. & Zappi, D. (2009) Lectotypifi;cation of Bromelia poeppigii and B. reversacantha. Willdenowia 39: 161-164.
- Pereira, A.R.; Andrade, A.C.S.; Sampaio, Pereira, T.S.; Forzza, R.C. & Rodrigues, A.S. (2009) Germination behaviour of epiphyte and rupicolous Bromeliaceae species from Ibitipoca State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Revista Brasil. Bot 32(4): 793-804.
- Tarré, E.; Pires, B.B.M.; Guimarães, A.P.M.;Carneiro, L.A.; Forzza, R.C. & Mansur, E. (2007) Germinability after desiccation, storage and cryopreservation of seeds from endemic Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. and Dyckia Schult. & Schult. f. species (Bromeliaceae). Acta bot. bras 21(4): 777-783.
- Tarré, E.; Pires, B.B.M.; Guimarães, A.P.M.; Carneiro, L.A.; Forzza, R.C. & Mansur, E. (2007) Germinability after desiccation, storage and cryopreservation of seeds from endemic Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. and Dyckia Schult. & Schult. f. species (Bromeliaceae). Acta bot. bras 21(4): 777-783.
- Forzza, R.C. (2005) Taxonomic revision of Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae). Boletim de botánica 23(1): 1-49.
- Forzza, R.C. & Silva, B.R. (2004) A New Species of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Novon 14: 168-170.
- Forzza, R.C. (2001) Filogenia da tribo Puyeae e revisão taxonômica do gênero Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae). Univ. São Paulo, Brazil, pp.
- Forzza, R.C. & Gracias Wanderley, M. das (2001) A New Species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Novon 11: 40-42.
- Forzza, R.C. & Wanderley, M.G.L. (1998) Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae - Pitcairnioideae. Bol. Bot. Univ. São Paulo 17: 255-270.
- Forzza, R.C. (1997) Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais. Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, pp.