Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5
Hybrids and Cultivars
This Encyclopaedia is handling all natural described species as well as natural hybrids as long as they have been described and published (with a name).
Hybrids and Cultivars can be found in the Bromeliad Cultivar Register (BCR), Compiled and maintained by the Bromeliad Society International (BSI). For BSI members, there is a Bromeliad Species Database (BSD) which is partly public.
It will be possible to upload pictures of Cultivars into the BCR by yourself in the near future (or contact the registrar).
Get your pictures online and identified
We support the International Bromeliad Community with a Gallery to which everyone can upload their Bromeliad pictures. This Gallery is also used for the BSD as mentioned above, where you also can load your pictures with the possibility to hide them for non BSI members. This Gallery is linked to Brom-L email discussion list, with many Bromeliad specialists and hobyists looking at it. Pictures from the Gallery can be used in the Encyclopaedia.
Other sources
There are other excelent sources about Bromeliads on the internet (photos), like the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies (FCBS), the site of the Bromeliad Society of Australia (BSA) and for example the site of one of our collaborator Leo Dijkgraaf (Bromtravels) at which you can find loads of pictures and other Bromeliad information. Of cource there are many more, this page does not intend to be exhaustive.
Taxon Lists (based on the Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads)
- The new Bromeliad Taxon list, a fully updated list of Bromeliaceae names and synonyms
- A List of Accepted Bromeliaceae Names in printable forma
- Bromeliad Species Database (BSD) of the Bromeliad Society International