1876 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2007-11-13
(Dimension: 1530 x 2050 pixels - Counter: 16437)
Vriesea itatiaiae
(Uploaded as: Aechmea wittmackiana)
Photographer: Estela Ikegami
Note: Agulhas negras mountain, near Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Add Note: Eric Gouda (2007-11-13) - Estela keeps posting interesting wild bromeliads in the gallery. Two pictures with the name Aechmea wittmackiana and this one is probably a Vriesea or Werauhia
- Add Note: Harry Luther (2007-11-14) - the same Vriesea itatiaiae
- Add Note: Eric Gouda (2007-11-14) - see casus 70