12679 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2016-06-05
(Dimension: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Counter: 7824) Vriesea sp. Locality: Russia, Moscow Photographer: VItaly Alyonkin (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl) Identification: pending
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
Add Note (11436): Uncle Derek (2014-04-26) - Vitaly
What a fantastic resource. Can you visit when these Broms are in flower or can you get the curator to take photos for our discussion. The only old Vriesea with spots is to me Vr. saundersii (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Gallery Manager: Eric Gouda This FloraPix Gallery is hosted at the University Utrecht Botanical Gardens