12017 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2015-02-17
(Dimension: 2030 x 1725 pixels - Counter: 7778)
Locality: Peru - Amazonas - Near Carretera Fernando Belaunde Terry at the turnoff to Gocta (Cocachimba) at approximate altitude 1400 meters. Growing terrestrially in quantities where present. Easily spotted due to the yellowish color of the leaves and inflorescence. Growing 1.5 to nearly 2 meters tall. Slender tall inflorescence. The bent inflorescence shown in the one photo is not characteristic in form, as nearly all were straight, but it represents the best closeup I have of the inflorescence.
Photographer: Jerry Raack
Note: Close up of inflorescence taken 8 Feb 2015.
Identification: pending
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Add Note (11886): Peter Tristram (2015-01-12) - Interesting species Jerry. I am sure some of the German collectors made the trek to the falls and wonder if they saw this plant?
- Add Note (11886): Jerry Raack (2015-02-17) - I had my guide in-country go back and find this plant again and take some measurements and additional pictures for me. Here is some additional information on the size of this plant. Total height including inflorescence 190cm. Leaves 40cm long by 4 cm wide. Lateral flower spike from main spike 12 to 13cm. I first saw this plant Nov 3, 2015. By Feb 8, all flowers were done, as evidenced by the additional pictures I will post. My guide collected seed pods of this and will send them to me, as well as some small offsets from the flowering plants. (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Identification (11886): Walter Till (2015-02-17) =Tillandsia aff. oxapampae
- This seems to be a new species related to T. oxapampae Rauh, Trop. subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 53: 20-26, figs. 3, 10 (1985). The essential differences seem to be the totally yellow inflorescence and the paler green leaves which are narrower. Without details of the flowers I would refrain from a description