15607 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2018-12-29
(Dimension: 1530 x 2050 pixels - Counter: 5032) Pitcairnia aff. maidifolia
(Uploaded as: Pitcairnia) Locality: Colombia - Photographer: Peter Tristram Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
Add Note (15606): (2018-12-29) - About 1000 m.
Identification (15606): Eric Gouda (2019-01-04) =Pitcairnia aff. maidifolia - That is very small for Pitcairnia maidifolia but it looks close (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Gallery Manager: Eric Gouda This FloraPix Gallery is hosted at the University Utrecht Botanical Gardens