2010 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-11-11
(Dimension: 563 x 761 pixels - Counter: 15732)
Guzmania rosea
(Uploaded as: Guzmania Panama)
Photographer: Joachim Saul
Note: in Panama I've come across an interesting Guzmania: http://jsaul.de/bilder/Guzmania_unidentified_Panama.jpg Western Panama, road from David to Chririqui Grande, 1200m. Other bromeliads around included Guz. desautelsii, Rac. contorta, T. guatemalensis (or leiboldiana). Any idea of what this beautiful plant could be? It might look as Guz. donnell-smithii but I think it is not.
Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Add Note: Walter Till (2008-11-11) - Looks like G. rosea L. B. Sm.
- Identification: Harry Luther (2008-11-11) =Guzmania rosea
- Guzmania rosea L.B.Smith. HEL
- Add Note: Eric J. Gouda (2008-11-11) - This makes it clear that G.rosea is no longer treated as a synonym of G.sprucei. Peter Bak is growing several types of this pink one for over 25 years, using the name G.macropoda. Is this looking different?
G.macropoda is from Panama and the type of G.rosea is from Cauca Colombia.... I'm still confused about this group. What is exactly G.sprucei and what is G.dissitiflora (both red) and what is the much smaller pink bracted G.dissitiflora like plant in N. Ecuador? As you see, more questions than answers from my side. - Add Note: Harry Luther (2008-11-12) - G. rosea = G. sprucei hort usage; G. sprucei = G. dissitiflora hort usage; G. dissitiflora =you probably have never seen one, SW Colombia, NW Ecuador narrow endemic. Nearly everything in hort literature is wrong. HEL
- Add Note (253): Joachim Saul (2009-03-07) - Actually, this has been identified as Guzmania rosea,