5220 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2009-10-07
(Dimensie: 1360 x 2050 pixels - Teller: 16016)
Pitcairnia aff. yaupi-bajaensis

Fotograaf: Eric Gouda (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
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- Opmerking (5218): Eric Gouda (2009-10-07) - This plant originates from Selby (Peter Tristram), but is far from homomorphous in leaf form (see photo 4) and the sepals are glabrous except the extreme apex and 2 cm long (not 1-1.5 cm). Petals have a white margin!
It does key out in S.&D. to P.odontopoda as what Rauh says in the description of P.yaupi-bajaensis, at least if you are in the wrong subkey 1 (ovules are not caudate, so subgen. Pepinia). Hope we can lead back this plant to an origin, because I do not think it is this species. (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl) - Opmerking (5218): Harry Luther (2009-12-07) - Not much information: The accession number is Sel 81-2588. This came from the late Bill Baker, So.CA, who did collecting for Huntington Gardens and himself. Said to have been collected by him, no further info. Its interesting to note that you plant looks rather different. Ill try to find a photo of the SEL plant.