1908 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-01-22
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Teller: 16187)
Pitcairnia bulbosa

Fotograaf: Kenn Marks
Opmerking: Seems to match the description of Pitcairnia bulbosa. Found on the rocky summit of Cerro Wajiri near Autana-Tepui, Amazonas state, Venezuela (480m elevation).
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking (1909): Harry Luther (2008-01-22) - Pepinia cf armata
- Opmerking (1909): Eric Gouda (2008-01-22) - I've put this one into a 'Casus', because I think it is not Pitcairnia bulbosa nor P.armata. Both species has larger flowers on short pedicels or in the later species even sessile flowers.
- Opmerking (1909): Walter Till (2008-01-22) - Looks like Pitc. nematophora
- Opmerking (1909): Kenn Marks (2008-01-23) - With the input of the comments so far I checked the Franciso Oliva-Esteve books that I have. The leaves of my plant look to stiff to be P. nematophora (and the infloresence is much too large and branching as well). I also found an image of P. armata in another FOE book. The foliage does indeed resemble that species (stiff and arching). The inflorescence shown for P. armata seems to show the flowers being sessile whereas the spent inflorescence in my images shows them strongly pedicellate. I'm going with P. cf/aff armata for my tentative diagnosis and will hope that seeds collected from this species are viable.
- Opmerking (1909): Kenn Marks (2008-01-23) - Further flipping through FOE's books led me to a new name. In FOE's Bromeliaceae III book on page 218 shows a dead-ringer for my plant (leaves and inflorescence). I now belive this species to be Pitcairnia patentiflora.