13261 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2017-03-04
(Dimensie: 1230 x 850 pixels - Teller: 7660)
Pitcairnia spec.

(Geladen als: Pitcairnia arida)
Verzamel locatie: Colombia - Antioquia - Cordillera Occidental
Fotograaf: Eduardo Calderon (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Determinatie: Opgelost
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Determinatie (13260): Eric Gouda (2023-05-27) =Pitcairnia spec.
- It is certainly not P. arida, which has petiolate leaves and farinose inflorescence. Do you have a more exact locality, so that I can look more specificly what species it can be? (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)