11528 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2014-05-25
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1389 pixels - Teller: 13490)
Hohenbergia sp.
Fotograaf: Atsushi Sato
Opmerking: Sorry. Photo is now enclosed. Oscar (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking (11513): Uwe (2014-05-25) - See picture 1934. Another plant that apparently came from Leopoldo Horst to Europe and has no name. An earlier identification says "H. catingae v. eximbricata" which has to be checked. If "Leme 2203" is a collection number, someone should be able to spy it out. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (11513): Oscar Ribeiro (2014-05-25) - Atsushi: without flower is impossible to say. It doesn´t seem to be Ho. catingae var. eximbricata which I shot in the wild many years ago and Elton identified. FCBS has some of my shots but I enclose one in large format for evaluation. Best. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (11513): Atsushi Sato (2014-05-25) - Please take a look at pic. 9908-9910. This one supposed to be H.catingae v. eximbricata by you.
I cultivate it with this one in the pic together under the same condition and they are definitely different in appearance and physiological response to the climate. In addition, H.catingae produces pups but this one is stoloniferous. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking (11513): Oscar Ribeiro (2014-05-25) - Yes, agree with you. Photos 9908 & 9910 most probably are of var. eximbricata. Keep us informed when it flowers. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)