12218 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2015-05-28
(Dimensie: 1982 x 1866 pixels - Teller: 9426)
Aechmea fendleri

(Geladen als: Aechmea sp)
Fotograaf: Leo Dijkgraaf
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking (12216): Leo Dijkgraaf (2015-05-28) - Unfortunately no other pictures of entire plant
- Determinatie (12216): Matthias Asmuss (2015-05-29) =Aechmea cymoso-paniculata
(Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Determinatie (12216): Eric Gouda (2015-06-01) =Aechmea fendleri
- As you can clearly see, this specimen has more flowered branches and the ultimate branches not one flowered and seemingly pedicellate, like in Aechmea paniculata and cymoso-paniculata. I just think it is the more common Aechmea fendleri (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Determinatie (12216): Matthias Asmuss (2015-06-02) =Aechmea cymoso-paniculata
- Description for scape says for Ae cymoso-paniculata: straight, stout, sparsely furfuraceous or more or less glabrate: STRAIGHT IS WRONG and should say decurved as shown in Leo's picture. Description for scape says for Ae fendleri: decurved; scape-bracts soon deciduous and DECURVED IS WRONG and should say straight as shown in Eric's pictures in the Encyclopaedia.
For an Ae fendleri the ovary is too green and the scape is too orange. Ae fendleri has a violet / rose aspect and is much more covered with scales. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking (12216): Uncle Derek (2015-06-02) - You can blame this on me because I was the first to query the identification by Kew. It just did not fit the concept by Smith for either A paniculigera or cymoso-paniculata, nor the key. nor the protologues. It all seemed to depend on the branching in the inflorescence. Eric\'s suggestion of the widespread Ae. fendleri was something I had not considered (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (12216): Leo Dijkgraaf (2015-06-02) - The plant that I pictured at Kew was not labeled. Reading the arguments pro and contra it seems to me it is something in between the suggested species ! (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)