<- 3- 11.1.1 ->

<- Fosterella atlantica Leme, O.B.C. Ribeiro & Forzza

Publ: Phytotaxa 395(3): 145-147 figs. 7 A to G (2019)

Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Matutina, Rio Pirapetinga, 830 m elev., 19º13’06.7” S, 45º52’32.6” W, 7 August 2017, E. Leme, O. Ribeiro & R. Oliveira 9223 (holotype RB!, 2 sheets).

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Distribution: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais

Habitat: as a saxicolous or more often as a terrestrial on clayey soils amidst glauconite rocky outcrops, in partially shaded sites, ca 830 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The epithet refers to the geographical outlier range of F. atlantica in the southeastern Minas Gerais state, much closer to the Atlantic Ocean than any other species in the genus, which are traditionally known from a western distribution in Central Brazil, not distant from the border with Bolivia and Paraguay, except for a single Amazonian species.

Fosterella atlantica