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<- Hechtia santanae I.Ramírez & P.Carrillo

Publ: Phytotaxa 266(4): 261–270 (Figs. 1–4, Table 1) (2016)

Type: MEXICO. Jalisco: Municipio Tuxcacuesco, desvío de la carretera 429 tomando la brecha a El Agua Dulce, ca. 1 km SO de San Buenaventura, 19°45’32.9’’N, 104°02’49’’W, 840 m, 2 July 2014, Ramírez, Carrillo-Reyes, Santana-Michel, Tapia & Cetzal 1940 ♂ (Holotype CICY; isotypes IBUG, MEXU, US, ZEA). Epitype: MEXICO. Jalisco: Municipio Tuxcacuesco, desvío de la carretera 429 tomando la brecha a El Agua Dulce, ca. 1 km SO de San Buenaventura, 19°45’32.9’’N, 104°02’49’’W, 840 m, 2 July 2014, Ramírez, Carrillo-Reyes, Santana-Michel, Tapia & Cetzal 1941b♀ (Epitype, CICY).

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Distribution: MEXICO. Jalisco

Habitat: forms large colonies on gypsum and limestone outcrops, 780–920 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific Latin epithet, santanae, honors Francisco Javier Santana Michel (1958–2015) (Figure 1A), who, based on his profound knowledge of the flora of Jalisco took us to the type locality since he suspected that this species was new to science. Sadly, Francisco passed away recently while preparing the first draft of this article.

Hechtia santanae