<- 14-346.1 ->

<- Tillandsia tecolometl Granados
(subgen. Tillandsia)

Publ: Phytotaxa 260(1): 59-64 (2016)

Type: MEXICO. Estado de México: municipio Temascaltepec, 500 metros sobre la desviación a Plan de Vigas que está en las Juntas, km 31 de la carretera la Puerta del Monte-Texcatitlán, 2894 m, 20 December 2006, C. Granados, M. Flores-Cruz & G. A. Salazar 415 (holotype: MEXU!).

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Distribution: Mexico: Durango, Estado de México, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala, and Veracruz

Habitat: Usually epiphytic on pine trees, but also found growing on oaks in mixed pine-oak forests, 2200–3300 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the vernacular name given to this species by local people in the Estado de México, which is derived from Náhuatl tecolotl, meaning owl, and metl, a plant of the genus Agave, perhaps alluding to the rosette of leaves suggesting agaves “perching” on the trees.

Tillandsia tecolometl