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Hohenbergia rohan-estyi is a synonym of:

<- Wittmackia rohan-estyi (Proctor, Aguirre-Santoro & K.Campbell) Aguirre-Santoro

Publ: Plant Syst. Evol. 303(online): 24 (2017)

Type: JAMAICA. Hanover Parish: road between Askenish and Dolphin Head, towards east side of the Dolphin Head mountains, 305 m, 18º22’43.6” N, 78º9’7.6” W, 3 July 2012, J. Aguirre-Santoro, K. Campbell & R. Esty 1813 (holotype IJ!, isotypes NY!, US!)

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Distribution: western Jamaica

Habitat: grows in moist forests on limestone formations, 20–370 m. Elev.

Etymology: This species was named in honor to Rohan Esty, who made part of the team that collected the type specimen.

Phenology: flower from July to November

Wittmackia rohan-estyi