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<- Hechtia deceptrix I.Ramírez & Hornung

Publ: Phytotaxa 221(2): 158 (2015)

Type: MEXICO. Hidalgo: Municipio de Actopan, Puente de Dios, alrededores de Puente de Dios, 20°18’08’’N, 98°47’23’’W, matorral con Juniperus, Dasylirion y Brahea, sobre sustrato calizo, 1735 m elevation, 15 May 2008, López-Ferrari, Espejo & Zamudio 3309 ♂ (holotype UAMIZ!; isotype IEB!).

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Distribution: Mexico. Hidalgo

Habitat: form small (2–3 rosettes) to rarely large (8–12 rosettes) colonies on limestone cliffs, 1700–1800 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The specific Latin epithet, deceptrix means deceiver, after the fact that the new species was confused with Hechtia epigyna when first collected by A. Espejo and collaborators.

Hechtia deceptrix