<- 14-156.1 ->

<- Tillandsia renate-ehlersiae Leme & Gouda
(subgen. Anoplophytum)

Publ: Die Bromelie 2015(1): 4-8 (2015)

Type: BRAZIL. MINAS GERAIS: Medina, Pedra da Cachoeira, Córrego do Tombo, ca. 900 m elevatioon, 2 August 2014, fl., R.Vasconcelos s.n., cult. E. Leme 8927 (holotype RB!; isotype HB!).

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Etymology: This species is named in honour of our friend Renate Ehlers, who wrote the booklet about the red-flowering Tillandsias from Brazil, to which group this species belongs (Ehlers 1996). Here with we honor her for the excellent work of describing over 125 new species of Tillandsia.

Tillandsia renate-ehlersiae