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<- Dyckia tubifilamentosa Wand. & G.Sousa

Publ: Hoehnea 41(2): 315-319, fig.1-2 (2014)

Type: BRAZIL. Piauí: Município de Pedro II, estrada Pedro II a Domingos Mourão (04º30'31"S, 41º19'98"W), cerca de 69 km do centro de Pedro II, 13-III-2008, fl., fr., M.G.L. Wanderley, G. Sousa & R. Barros 2630 (holotypus SP, isotypus TEPB).

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Distribution: Brazil: Piauí

Habitat: Heliophilous plants growing on rocky soils or on rock outcrops in the Caatinga vegetation as well as in areas considered transitional to the Cerrado biome

Etymology: The epithet refers to the long staminal tube.

Dyckia tubifilamentosa