<- 14-150.6 ->

<- Tillandsia bonita Versieux & Martinelli
(subgen. Aerobia)

Publ: Systematic Botany 38(1): 75–81 (2013)

Type: BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul: Mun. Bodoquena, Parque Nacional da Serra da Boquena, estrada pela Fazenda Remanso. Afloramento de rocha e matas ciliares do rio Salobra, 06 Dec. 2010, Martinelli 16923 (holotype: RB 450408!; isotype: UFRN!).

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Distribution: BRAZIL: Mato Grosso do Sul

Habitat: It grows forming dense heliophilous populations over limestone outcrops along the semi-evergreen riverine tropical forest.

Etymology: The epithet chosen is a reference to the municipality of Bonito, which is a famous place and an ecological sanctuary along the Serra da Bodoquena. This region has several rivers with clear and bicarbonated water and harbors a noteworthy biodiversity (e.g. Bueno et al. 2007; Uetanabaro et al. 2007; Dalzochio et al. 2011) including ornithophilous species of Bromeliaceae (e.g. Araujo and Sazima 2003; Faria and Arau ? jo 2010). Additionally, the word “ bonita ”isthe Portuguese adjective equivalent to good-looking, which is indeed an attribute of the contrasting wine-red foliage, green bracts, and white flowers of this plant.

Phenology: Flowering in cultivation from August through October.

Tillandsia bonita