<- 1- 41.2 ->

<- Puya tyleriana Sagástegui, Zapata & M.O.Dillon

Publ: Amaldoa 11(2): 29-35 (2004)

Type: PERÚ. ANCASH, Prov. Corongo: Tarica - Yanac, 8°36.5' S., 77°50.5'W., 29 de Agosto 2002, A. Sagástegui; A. & M. Zapata C. 17095 (Holotype: HAO, Isotypes: BM, F, NY, US).

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Distribution: PERU; Ancash

Etymology: it is a pleasure to dedicate this new species to the prosperous contractor from Kansas (U.S.A.) Engineer Robert Tyler for his generous support of new investigations of the flora of north Peru.

Puya tyleriana