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<- Puya bravoi Aráoz & A.Grau

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 58(5): 199-202 (2008)

Type: Argentina, Provincia de Salta. Dep. Santa Victoria, arriba de Toldos, alt. 3100 m, 64ºW 22ºS, 23-November-2006, E. Aráoz, L. Rustige & A. Grau 1596 (holotype, LIL; isotype, MO, LPB).

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Distribution: ARGENTINA; Salta,

Habitat: Terrestrial on rocky and grassy slopes above the timberline, 3100 m. Elev.

Etymology: Puya bravoi is dedicated to Orlando Bravo, a distinguished physicist, mountaineer and conservationist of Northwestern Argentina.

Puya bravoi