<- 15- 90.1 ->

<- Vriesea fontanae Fraga & Leme

Publ: Rodriguésia 61(1): 58-59. Figs. 13 a-k, 12 e-f (2010)

Type: BRAZIL. ESPÍRITO SANTO: São Roque do Canaã,Alto Misterioso, floresta ombrófila densa altomontana com inselbergue, 19o48’11.8”S, 40o46’13.7”W, 1143 m elev., 19.III.2004, C.N. Fraga, A.P. Fontana & L. Kollmann 1164 (holotype RB; isotype MBML).

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Distribution: BRAZIL: Espirito Santo,

Habitat: Saxicolous, 900-1400 m. Elev.

Etymology: The name of the new species honors the botanist André Paviotti Fontana, who has made very important contributions to the knowledge of the flora of Espírito Santo State, Brazil.

Vriesea fontanae