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<- Encholirium harleyi L.B.Sm. & R.W.Read

Publ: Bradea 5(27): 299-300, 305 (1989)

Type: Brasil: Bahia: Serra do Acurua, ca. 4 km NE from Gentio do Ouro a¬long the road toward Central, caatinga on sand and with quartzitic rocks and metamorphosed sandstone forming rock area with more open vegetation including extensive areas of Vellozia, approx. 42º30'W, 11º24'S, ca. 1000 m alt., 22 February 1977, R.M. Harley, S. J. Mayo, R. M. Storr, T E Santos & R S Pinheiro in Harley 18957 (Holotipo K, isotipo CEPEC.)

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Habitat: caatinga on sand and with quartzitic rocks and metamorphosed sandstone forming rock area with more open vegetation, 1000 m. Elev.

Encholirium harleyi