<- 14-138.4 ->

<- Tillandsia oblivata L.Hrom.
(subgen. Viridantha)

Publ: Bromelie 2005(s5): 76-80 (2005)

Type: Peru, Cajamarca: western declivity of the Andes, upper Rio Chilete valley, 1900 m, on perpendicular rock walls, 05.03.1997, H. & L. Hromadnik HR 23078 (holo USM, iso WU).

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Distribution: PERU; Cajamarca

Habitat: on vertical rock walls, 1900 m. Elev.

Etymology: Although it was found on conspicuous vertical rock walls along the well-used main road from Cajamarca, the species has apparently been accepted as just another T. tectorum or T. reducta. Nobody seems to have examined it carefully. Thus, its name is "oblivata" (= the forgotten).

Tillandsia oblivata