<- 8- 61.1 ->

<- Pitcairnia cantuoides Vasquez & Ibisch
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 55(3): 99 (2005)

Type: BOLIVIA: CHUQUISACA: Prov. Tomina: between Padilla and Monteagudo, Río Mojo Torillo, 1,300 m, 19º32'S, 64º09'W, Oct. 6 2004, R. Vásquez, W. Krahn & R. Müsch 4956 (holotype: LPB, isotype: Herb. VASQ). Fig. 1-3.

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Distribution: BOLIVIA; Chuquisaca,

Habitat: 1300 m. Elev.

Etymology: The epithet of this new species is derived from Cantua, genus of the Polemoniaceae family, because of its resembling flowers. The 'cantua bicolor' or 'cantuta', how it is vernacularly known, is the national flower of Bolivia.

Pitcairnia cantuoides