<- 15- 59.3 ->

<- Vriesea exaltata Leme
(section Xiphion)

Publ: Harvard Pap. Bot. 4(1): 159-160. (1999)

Type: BRAZIL. Bahia: Chapada Diamantina, Andarai, old road Andarai to Mucuge, collected January 1983, flowered in cultivation November 1998, E. Leme, L. A. M. Silva, J. Kent & R. L. Frasier 502-A (Holotype: HB ). .

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Etymology: from the Latin exaltatus, raised high, as this species stands out in the midst of the herbaceous-arboreal vegetation on the rocky areas of the Chapada Diamantina.

Vriesea exaltata