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Hohenbergia eriostachya is a synonym of:

<- Wittmackia eriostachya (Mez) Aguirre-Santoro

Publ: Plant Syst. Evol. 303(online): 19 (2017)

Type: JAMAICA. Portland Parish: between Lancaster and Moody’s Gap, 700 m, 8 March 1895, W.H. Harris 5566 (holotype B!, isotypes IJ!, NY [Fragment attached to Britton 3419]!, UCWI!)

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Distribution: eastern Jamaica

Habitat: epiphyte in moist montane forest, at the edges of forests, 300–1250 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet comes from the Greek erion (=wool) and stachys (=spike). It probably refers to the characteristic brown-tomentose-lepidote indument present in floral bracts and flowers.

Wittmackia eriostachya