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Wittrockia azurea is a synonym of:

<- Nidularium azureum (L.B.Sm.) Leme

Publ: Nidularium - Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest 94 (2000)

Type: Minas Gerais, Coronel Pacheco, Faz. da Companhia, 30 Aug. 1944, E. P Heringer 1536. Holotype: SP.

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Distribution: BRAZI; Minas Gerais,

Etymology: The name of this species comes from the Latin azureus meaning "sky blue". It was derived from information written on the holotype label indicating "bluish flowers", an inaccurate reference to petal color in N. azureum which has dark purple petals with pink apical margins.

Phenology: Nidularium azureum apparently flowers in February and March, and again from August to October.

Nidularium azureum