<- 14-524.1 ->

<- Tillandsia karineae Manzan., Gouda & Raack
(subgen. Pseudovriesea)

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 71(2): 83-91 fig. 19-23 (2021)

Type: Ecuador, Loja, Rd 35, Catamayo-Veracruz, beyond Las Chinchas 03º58´28´´S 79º29´37´´W, elev. 2250 m, 2015-06-17, flowering in Quito September 2019, J.M. Manzanares 8541 (holotype: ECUAMZ; isotype: QCNE, U, WU)

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Distribution: Ecuador: Loja

Habitat: epiphyte in trees in the bush vegetation, grows solitary or forming small groups, propagating by shoots at the base of the rosette, ca 2250 m. Elev.

Etymology: Named in honor of Karine Bracke (1958-) see Fig. 20. Born in the beautiful medieval city of Gent, Belgium, she studied at the “Instituut voor Verpleegkunde St. Geertruid”, Gent and graduated as a nurse. She married José Manzanares in Barcelona, Spain in 1980. In 1983 they settled in Ecuador, first in Cuenca, then in Guayaquil and finally in Quito. She accompanies her husband in the study of the bromeliads. Without her invaluable help it would not have been possible to write and publish the Bromeliaceae of Ecuador Part I (Bromelioideae) and II (Pitcairnioideae), and the unpublished Part III (Tillandsioideae)

Tillandsia karineae